Money Infant

Baby Steps to Financial Freedom


While this site has been in hibernation over the past 21 months, I have not been hibernating. 2011 has been an amazing year, sometimes a bit unnerving or even distressing, but mostly a great transition. We’ve made some positive forward steps and some negative backward steps, but nothing tragic that can’t be fixed. Here’s some of my highlights for 2011:

- May 23: I quit my job
- June 1: My baby girl turns 1
- June 7: We leave the U.S. and move to Thailand
- June 24: New apartment and start to settle in
- July through November: Just getting acclimated to the new surroundings and culture. First 2 months many frustrations, by October things have settled down. By November I am getting bored and ready to dive into some work. Created and then realized it’s not really what I want to do.
- December: After considering several options, decided that the writing I did here was some of the most interesting and compelling (for me anyway) that I have done. Decision made to rededicate myself to helping others avoid my mistakes. Plus it will be helpful for me since I have slid back into some old habits that are better left in the past.

I suppose the beginning of a new year is a cliched time for starting or restarting a blog, or anything really. Somehow the timing just worked out that way for me. I’m gearing up with a new look for the site, a real editorial calendar for 2012 and a burning desire to get myself back on track, share my experiences and help others realize a more fulfilling life, both financially and otherwise.

Because I am now working as a freelancer the site updates may be sporadic. I certainly can’t promise updates everyday since my client work needs to take precedence over my personal projects. I can assure though that when I do post it will be only my best work. So you might only hear from me twice a week, but when you do it will be gold.

Other ideas in the works are a section devoted to free travel, where to find contests and sweepstakes, how to maximize reward programs and how to stretch your dollars when traveling. I love to travel, but with the high expense associated with it don’t get the chance to do so nearly as much as I would like. I think many of you may be in the same situation, so as I look for cheap (or free) ways to travel, I’ll pass the good news along to you.

I must say it’s good to be back and I look forward to connecting with many new readers and friends. If you have any questions at all please feel free to send me a message, I love to connect with my readers and try to respond to each and every message I receive.

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2 Responses to “Redux”

  1. Emily Hunter says:

    Looks like we’re in the same boat as far as getting sites up and running. I have had mine for around three months, and it’s still taking its baby steps toward freedom and out of the awkwardness of trying to define what it is. It just pleases me to no end to know that there are others out there who are like me – who know that the bills have to be paid before the fun stuff like blogging can happen.

    • MoneyInfant says:

      Thanks for dropping by Emily. Getting the site up and running is always the easy part, it’s keeping up with it that’s the challenge. Hopefully I’ll have more free time in 2012 to have fun, and hopefully you will too.

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