Money Infant

Baby Steps to Financial Freedom

Merry Christmas 2012 from Money Infant

This is more than just a Christmas wishes post. I was recently gifted with a “tag” from Melanie Chisnall over at Scribbles and Smiles (a great blog btw, you should all go check it out), and so I am passing along the Christmas cheer with some “tagging” of my own. No, this is not the standard blog tags that you might be thinking of, but rather it is a game of tag where one blogger tags a group of other bloggers to answer a set of questions (in this case Christmas themed). After answering the questions, the one who is “it” gets to tag yet other bloggers, passing along the good cheer, much as we pass our good cheer during this holiday season.

So, in honor of the holiday season, here are my answers to the Christmas-y questions asked by dear Mel:

  1. What is your favourite Christmas song? – White Christmas, because if there isn’t snow on the ground (and hopefully in the air), it just doesn’t feel as much like Christmas. Secondly I will show my age by adding Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses…
  2. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Anywhere my family is seems fine to me. Like I said, I do appreciate snow during Christmas though, so maybe a log cabin in Colorado would be ideal?
  3. Do you eat Christmas lunch or dinner, or both? When I’m in the States we have an early Christmas dinner at my parents. This year we will be going out to eat for a late Christmas dinner on the 29th. Sorry, but Thailand doesn’t celebrate Christmas which means my wife has work and classes all week. So it’s out for a nice steak dinner on Saturday for us this year.
  4. What is your favourite Christmas movie? A Christmas Carol with Patrick Stewart. The George C Scott version is an acceptable substitute. A Christmas Story is also another good one!
  5. What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received? I suppose that would have to be my son Brian, even though it was a very early December 4th present!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

No, I haven’t forgotten I need to tag some fortunate folks with my own questions.

Here are the lucky recipients of my holiday cheer:

Terrye Toombs
Jeremy Bieberdorf
Nick from SAFTM
Delfin Joaquin Paris III
Julie Chenell DeNeen

And here are the questions…

  1. If money were no object, where would you go on a dream vacation and why?
  2. What is your favorite book of all time?
  3. Steak or seafood?
  4. Do you believe in extra terrestrials?
  5. Dogs or cats? Why?

Digg Digg

3 Responses to “Merry Christmas 2012 from Money Infant”

  1. Melanie Chisnall says:

    I love how you laid out this post, and the answers to your questions…especially the one about Brian :) I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas steak dinner on Saturday…it sounds like fun! Thanks so much for the shout out…Merry Christmas!

  2. clark says:

    Good Post… will watch the answers as forth coming.

    Enjoyed the outbound questions. (Even though I was not asked, dogs because they are perfect companion lifeforms).

  3. Julie DeNeen says:

    It is truly a tagging nightmare! I cannot escape it!!! LOL

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